Examples of results from our four focus areas are outlined:
1. Professional learning of Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers
Aboriginal educator Fiona Headley discusses her learning in mathematics and the difference it has made to how she supports Aboriginal learners:
2. Teacher up-skilling
View the video below showing how mathematics for Aboriginal learners (and all learners) can be improved through professional learning of teachers that is specific to the development of mathematical language.
3. High interest programs for students
The example below relates to the V Swans program that engaged students in mathematics through AFL football.
4. Education Assistants personal pedagogical growth in teaching mathematics
The excerpt below comes from Noeline, and education assistant in one of the Cluster's schools:
What have you learned about teaching maths?
‘I’ve learned about children as individuals … that they learn at different rates and I think I’m becoming more confident with the language that I use … breaking things down … talking about and working out what sort of number sentence it is... picking out the key words of what they know about the sentence, for example, twenty three chicken skewers, eleven cups of rice, what are the key words here? … and getting them to understand not just with this with anything that we do, ‘What do we know, there’s three birds in a tree, let’s draw what we see, so there’s visualising and drawing, hands on, and then asking them ‘what do we need to know about …’