The Gladstone Cluster is made up of five schools – three high schools and two primary schools. Gladstone South State School is the Cluster Key School and is a P-7 school with approximately 290 students with 16% Indigenous enrolment. It is located in a low socio-economic area in Gladstone. Most students attend Toolooa State High School for their secondary education.
- Toolooa State High School is a secondary school catering for approximately 800 students from years 8 – 12 with 10% Indigenous enrolment
- Gladstone State High School is a secondary school which caters for approximately 1200 students from years 8 – 12 with 8% Indigenous enrolment
- Tannum Sands State School is a P-7 school with approximately 750 students with 6% Indigenous. Almost all students attend Tannum Sands State High School after year 7
- Tannum Sands State High School is a secondary school with approximately 950 students with 4% Indigenous.
The schools have a history of working together in mathematics education and the project built on the existing relationships between the schools.