Although students can consider the separate components of data investigations (data collection, representation, reduction and informal inference), it is essential that they undertake entire investigations.
Students gain a better understanding of the statistical investigative process when they initiate, design and undertake entire investigations of their own. In the first instance, this is best undertaken in groups.
A statistical investigation involves:
- choosing a context, and then the specific aspects that interest each group
- identifying the variables and the subjects of the investigation
- planning and carrying out the procedures for data collection to obtain random, fair and representative data
- exploring, summarising and representing the data
- analysing, making inferences based on the data, and preparing a report.
Depending on how familiar you or your class are with conducting statistical investigations, you might choose to:
model an investigation
This is a highly structured approach that provides students with an example of the features and purpose of the steps involved.
provide a task that is a semi-structured investigation
The basic outline of the investigation is determined by the task but students are required to make some choices relevant to the context.
- allow students to initiate, design and undertake investigations that interest them.
Examples of student data investigations can be found in the TIMES module, Data Investigation and Interpretation 10.