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Good teaching

Good teaching

Good teaching of mental computation provides learning experiences for students that build fluency and flexibility in carrying out calculations in their heads.

A variety of learning experiences reinforces the big ideas associated with the development of mental computation.

Fluency and flexibility in thinking are critical to developing effective mental computation skills. Developing fluency requires an ability to recall facts as well as an understanding of number properties. Flexibility is recognition of the demands of a problem and the selection of the best strategy for the numbers involved.

Effective assessment is a window to students' number sense and can expose learning issues such as a reliance on counting.

Many key ideas have been collected under three areas:

  • addition and subtraction
  • multiplication and division
  • combined operations.

Everyday problems might require several steps using different operations.

Using contexts that are meaningful to students as opposed to using 'naked numbers' can assist students to make connections and see relationships between numbers. Contexts can be real or imaginary.



Name Class Section
Document Addition and subtraction Folder 17
Document Multiplication and division Folder 17
Document Combined operations Folder 17