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Assessment is not just for reporting achievement at a particular point. Modern approaches to assessment advocate using data about students to inform learning and teaching.

Assessment can have many legitimate purposes including:

  • summarising achievement (summative assessment)
  • informing learning and teaching (formative assessment)
  • assisting students to evaluate their own knowledge and understanding (self assessment).

Assessment can take diverse forms including:

  • tests
  • written work samples
  • observations
  • interviews.

The mental computation strategies exercised by an individual learner vary considerably.

Strategies are chosen in response to the:

  • context of problem
  • numbers involved
  • numbers of steps required
  • location of the unknown.

Naturally, this diversity of response is greater when working with a group of learners.

To nurture mental strategies, teachers should listen to and interpret the strategies students use.

Teachers should respond to students in a way that accepts their current thinking but promotes improved fluency and flexibility.



Name Class Section
Document Approaches Folder 17