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Rediscovering Froebel: Aesthetics in early years mathematics

Rediscovering Froebel: Aesthetics in early years mathematics

Rediscovering Froebel: Aesthetics in early years mathematics

Friedrich Froebel was the founder of the kindergarten movement, starting the first kindergarten in Bad Blankenburg, Germany in 1837. His work inspired Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner and Frank Lloyd Wright, among others.

In this webinar we will rediscover the potential of Froebel's gifts (www.froebelgifts.com) and occupations in early childhood mathematics learning, with a particular focus on how aesthetic dimensions are visible through children’s active engagement with the gifts.

Presenters: Dr Virginia Kinnear and Dr Stephen Thornton

Dr Virginia Kinnear is a lecturer in early childhood in the School of Education at Flinders University in SA. Dr Steve Thornton is an experienced mathematics education expert.Virginia and Steve have a special interest in the philosophical dimensions of mathematics education, of which aesthetics is one key aspect. Friedrich Froebel was the founder of the kindergarten movement, starting the first kindergarten in Bad Blankenburg, Germany in 1837. His work inspired Maria Montessori, Rudolf Steiner and Frank Lloyd Wright, among others.

In this webinar we will rediscover the potential of Froebel's gifts (www.froebelgifts.com) and occupations in early childhood mathematics learning, with a particular focus on how aesthetic dimensions are visible through children’s active engagement with the gifts.

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