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Digital Learning FAQ

Digital Learning FAQ

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) are a result of community questions about the Connect with Maths Project. We welcome further questions to assist your understanding and participation in this online community resource. Specific questions about leveraging digital technologies for teaching and learning of mathematics can be discussed in the community Forum.  

Frequently asked questions (FAQ) are a result of community questions about the Connect with Maths Project. We welcome further questions to assist your understanding and participation in this online community resource.

What is the Connect with Maths Community?

The Connect with Maths Project has a number of online education communities focussed on a teaching area of interest of mathematics. These communities support teachers of mathematics and provide support in the implementation of the Australian Curriculum: Mathematics.

An effective community has good leadership and active members. To learn more about communities you can watch a video presented by Roger Edmonds, an experienced community facilitator.

Connect with Maths communities comprise of Community Leaders, mentors, teachers of mathematics, subject matter specialists, mathematicians, industry experts, experience social networking and users of digital technologies for the teaching of mathematics. Anyone with an interest in the teaching of mathematics can join.

You can learn more about the Connect with Maths Community by clicking on these links.

How do I subscribe to the Connect with Maths Community?

Each Connect with Maths community requires members to login in to a website.

Make it Count with Indigenous Learners Community

  • To login in the Make it Count with Indigenous Learners community
  • Go to http://connectwith.indigenous.aamt.edu.au.
  • On the top right hand side you will see a link to sign up if you are not a member or to sign in if you are requiring a user name email and password. The Make it Count with Indigenous Learners community is on a separate platform to the Early Years Learning in Mathematics and Maths in Action community requiring a separate login.
  • If you have already logged into the Early Years Learning in Mathematics, Engaging All Students, Maths in Action or the Digital Learning and Mathematics community you should not need to authenticate login again for this community

Early Years in Learning Mathematics community

  • To login in the Early Years Learning in Mathematics community
  • Go to http://connectwith.earlyyears.aamt.edu.au.
  • You will immediately be prompted by a login screen to key in your username email and a password to Register (for first time users) or Logi
  • If you are registering you will need to fill in the profile details. This will assist us to develop relevant community events and resources for members
  • If you have already logged into the Maths in Action, Engaging All Students, Make it count with Indigenous Learners or the Digital Learning and Mathematics community you should not need to authenticate login again for this community

Maths in Action Applications and Modelling community

  • To login in the Maths in Action Applications and Modelling community
  • go to http://connectwith.mathsinaction.aamt.edu.au.
  • You will immediately be prompted by a login screen to key in your username email and password.
  • If you have already logged into the Early Years Learning in Mathematics, Engaging All Students, Make it count with Indigenous Learners or the Digital Learning and Mathematics community you should not need to authenticate login again for this community

Engaging All Students community

  • To login in the Engaging All Students community
  • go to http://connectwith.engaging.aamt.edu.au.
  • You will immediately be prompted by a login screen to key in your username email and password.
  • If you have already logged into the Early Years Learning in Mathematics, Digital Learning and Mathematics, Make it count with Indigenous Learners or the Maths in Action community you should not need to authenticate login again for this community

Digital Learning and Mathematics community (to be launched July 2015)

  • To login in the Digital Learning and Mathematics community
  • go to http://connectwith.digital.aamt.edu.au.
  • You will immediately be prompted by a login screen to key in your username email and password.
  • If you have already logged into the Early Years Learning in Mathematics, Engaging All Students, Make it count with Indigenous Learners or the Maths in Action community you should not need to authenticate login again for this community

Please note that non-members will not be able to participate in any community activities and members will not have access to community activities unless authentication has occurred. This policy adheres to community protocols and ensures security and privacy for each community member.

Can I belong to more than one Connect with Maths community?
Teachers can belong to all Connect with Maths communities. Currently there are five communities available. The same login and password can be used for all communities.  

Note: this Indigenous learner' site has joined the other communities on the same platform to ensure consistent and efficient login and registration processes. AAMT is working towards single sign on for all Connect with Maths communities.

You can join all communities at once by clicking this link to register for Connect with Maths or the AAMT Discussion List

Connect with Maths communities

  • Make it Count with Indigenous Learners
  • Early Years Learning in Mathematics (Birth to eight years old)
  • Maths in Action Applications and Modelling
  • Engaging All Students catering for diversity
  • Digital Learning and Mathematics community

AAMT Discussion List

The Discussion List is also a well known community managed by AAMT. This email discussion list has operated since 1997, enabling participants to share information and discuss issues – ranging from quick teaching tips and internet links through to lengthy, considered discussions of important matters of pedagogy and educational politics.

Are my profile details public or private?
When a member subscribes to a Connect with Maths community the member's name and avatar is public with other information remains private. This policy adheres to AAMT Privacy and Copyright policies to ensure security of members. There is also a AAMT endorsed disclaimer for members participating in Connect with Maths' communities that is acknowledged before members can progress further in Connect with Maths' activities.

Does Connect with Maths team collect data and if so, why?
When a member joins a Connect with Maths community they are asked to fill in profile questions. These questions generally ask about key factors which assist the Connect with Maths team manage and coordinate community activities for the benefit of all members and address the goals and objectives of the project. Connect with Maths aims to support the teachers of mathematics online to decrease communication and collaboration barriers of distance and isolation. Teachers will be able to share knowledge and expertise as well as engage with other community members by means of online community social networking tools.

Can you be contacted about the quality of community service and engagement? What does this mean?
The Connect with Maths team aims to maintain a robust engaged community for teachers of mathematics. In order to achieve these goals, we need to ask for feedback about what you feel is the most successful about the community, what can be improved and what possible changes need to occur to encourage and build a successful community. Community members have the options not to participate.

Can I participate in the Connect with Maths community from a remote location?
The Connect with Maths Project is designed for all Australian educators with an interest in teaching of mathematics, the Australian Curriculum Mathematics and in learning settings Foundation to Year 12. The Connect with Maths Project supports teachers online to enable access to a collegiate of members anywhere, anytime and aims to reach educators in remote, rural and regional and metropolitan areas. You may need to check the capacity of your technology to engage in interactive events and activities any where globally and at any time.

Does Connect with Maths have a national focus?
The Connect with Maths Project is designed for all Australian teachers. The Project is managed by AAMT and funded by the Australian Government Department of Education for the Mathematics and Science Participation Program. The aims of the project include supporting teachers for the new Australian Curriculum: Mathematics hoping to assist teachers reinvigorate mathematics education, increase student participation rates at secondary level and in tertiary course and career pathways. Member participation of the Connect with Maths Project indicate member involvement from all states and territories including teachers from remote, rural and regional areas of Australia.

  Can I use my involvement with Connect with Maths activities for teacher registration hours ?
Members who participate particularly in the professional learning activities in Connect with Maths communities can be provided with a AAMT professional learning certificate acknowledging the hours of professional engagement towards the teaching registration requirements. Certification can be obtained also from your state or territory Mathematical association. For more information contact the Connect with Maths team at connectwithmaths@aamt.edu.au stating your full name, activity you participated in and the hours you spent and how you contributed in the professional learning.

Are there different community tools for each community? If so, what are they?
Connect with Maths communities use the same social networking community tools for each of the communities. After considered research and engagement with the mathematics community, the tools selected aim to meet the purpose and objectives of the community.  Members of the Connect with Maths community are now familiar with this engagement and the resources available.

What role do Community Leaders undertake in the community?
Community Leaders are mentors who facilitate activity for participants in the Connect with Maths community. They

  • encourage participation of Mathematics, subject matter specialists, mathematicians, industry experts, experienced social networking and users of digital technologies for the teaching of mathematics
  • promote community centred activity which fosters the capacity of the whole community
  • lead discussion to advance student learning and their individual learning and career paths
  • provide advice and examples of successful ways of learning and improving student achievement
  • build the knowledge bank of resources for community use

If you would like to volunteer as a Community Leader please contact the Connect with Maths team at connectwithmaths@aamt.edu.au

What types of professional learning are available for the Connect with Maths communities?
Using digital technologies for professional learning involves members participating in a number of interactive activities using a variety of community tools which characterise the professional learning:

  • collegiate discourse - building content knowledge, relationships and connections with peers
  • personalised learning building pedagogical knowledge and reflective practice
  • mentored learning building a strong professional culture
  • self paced online tutorials
  • links to relevant websites and resources
  • professional reading

Is Connect with Maths community activity exclusively online?
The Connect with Maths Project although essentially is an online resource for teachers, can be used with offline activities. The Connect with Maths team believe that effective contemporary (i.e., using technology) professional learning should be a blend of offline and online activities.

In July 2015 Connect with Maths will be a stream of the AAMT biannual conference intentioned so community members and enjoy networking activities and learning together face-to-face. The Connect with Maths session will also be available for free for community members. Click here to see the program.

Remember that all professional learning is archived on the respective Connect with Maths community site for those who wish to use these resources after the session has been broadcast.

What type of Internet connection do I need to participate in Connect with Maths communities?
Members wishing to effectively download content resources from the Connect with Maths community website can use low capacity internet speeds. There will be a time constraint, essentially taking longer according to the size of the file download. Members participating in interactive events and activities will require access to higher capacity broadband. Some of Connect with Maths activities are assisted with audio support (via the telephone) which can be helpful for teachers in remote, rural and regional areas who only have low capacity broadband or satellite.

