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Welcome to our new Connect with Maths community. The 'Digital Learning and Mathematics' community was launched at the 2015 Biennial AAMT Conference.

A message from Max and Nao

Welcome to our new Connect with Maths community. The 'Digital Learning and Mathematics' community was launched at the 2015 Biennial AAMT Conference and welcomed in by Max and Nao   two humanoid robots used to interact with students and engage them in problem solving through coding.

The focus for this community is on curation of quality mathematics digital learning resources. 

The Starting Point of this community is 'curation' that extends into the following nodes of interest. It is hoped that as community members build the resources further nodes will evolve.
Let's discuss these ways forward in the Forum.

In summary, the Digital Learning and Mathematics community development areas currently are:

  • Awareness of digital tools for mathematics
  • Curated resources
  • Contemporary pedagogies
  • Just in-time learning
  • Skill building
  • Problem solving
  • Conceptual development
  • Emerging technologies



Name Class Section Priority
Document Our new community Folder 29
Document AAMT Conference launch Folder 29
Document Tour Folder 29
Document Community Objectives Folder 29
Document Community Leaders Folder 29
Document Digital Learning FAQ Folder 29