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Mean, median and mode

Mean, median and mode

This activity distinguishes among mean, median and mode through modelling with paper strips.

This is an activity about the essential understandings for the three measures of average based on the length of feet. Students use strips of paper to physically model the mean and the median.

You can download the My Foot Length: Student Worksheet. Data are provided and there are some suggested answers in My Foot Length: Answers. You may wish to use data from your class but be aware that the number of pieces of data needs to be a power of 2.

A highly recommended activity, it can be introduced in conjunction with problems with categorical data and teaching advice on medians and categorical data, being careful to distinguish between the numerical and categorical sets.



Name Class Section
Document Year 6: Interpret and compare a range of data displays, including side-by-side column graphs for two categorical variables Infobox 3
Document Year 8: Pose questions and collect categorical or numerical data by observation or survey Infobox 3
Document Source Infobox 3