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Paper folding

Paper folding

This paper folding activity allows assessment of students' abilities to describe predictions, at many year levels and from simple to complex examples.

It is possible to assess predictions at any year level, in oral, written or diagrammatic form. This activity allows students to cut simple or more complex patterns, to predict the results by description and/or drawings, and to prove they are right by unfolding the cut paper.

The students fold a sheet of paper using either one fold for Foundation students or more folds for older students. They then cut a shape from one of the edges. Older students could cut shapes from more than one edge.

Students then talk, write about or draw what the paper will look like when unfolded.

Students could be encouraged to talk about the number, shape, size and positions of the cut-outs.

The maturity of the descriptions should vary according to year level and relevant curriculum level.

The quality of the descriptions will also depend upon the clarity of the teacher's explanation and the modelling of the activity.



Name Class Section
Document Year 3: Identify symmetry in the environment Infobox 3
Document Year 4: Create symmetrical patterns, pictures and shapes with and without digital technologies Infobox 3
Document Year 5: Describe translations, reflections and rotations of two-dimensional shapes. Identify line and rotational symmetries Infobox 3
Document Year 7: Describe translations, reflections in an axis, and rotations of multiples of 90° on the Cartesian plane using coordinates. Identify line an... Infobox 3
Document Source Infobox 3