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Number lines and repeating patterns

Number lines and repeating patterns

Students will understand the number line better if they practise representing skip counting and plotting timelines. Both activities emphasise that the numbers on a number line are equally spaced.

The following activities can help students understand the number line better.

  • Link the number line to skip counting.
    • When counting repeating patterns, represent the numbers on a number track.
      The equal spacing on the number track helps students to skip count (in this case, by threes).
    • Then move on to a number line (note the addition of zero at the beginning).
    • Gradually remove some of the labels, leaving numbers spaced by two, five or ten. In the following example, the numbers are spaced by two.
    • Later, remove the intermediate marks as well.



  • Plot timelines.
    • Plot the Olympic years on a timeline marked at one-year intervals but numbered every five years.
    • Plot recent significant events on a timeline marked and numbered at two-year intervals.
    • Plot significant daily events (from waking to sleeping) on a 24-hour timeline.



Name Class Section
Document Year 2: Describe patterns with numbers and identify missing elements Infobox 3
Document Source Infobox 3