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Circle geometry investigations

Circle geometry investigations

In this series of activities, students investigate a particular situation in a circle to form a hypothesis. They then further explore using dynamic geometry software.

These activities begin with pencil and paper explorations. Students use the Circle geometry investigations: Student worksheet to form an hypothesis and write a simple explanation or annotate a diagram. They then investigate further using the free GeoGebra software and write conclusions explaining what has been found.

Encourage precise wording of the details of the conclusions. This will assist when the formal wording of the theorems is encountered later.

The activities are graded in order of difficulty, but students should be encouraged to move on and investigate in GeoGebra, even if they cannot form a hypothesis. Similarly, if they experience difficulty with the dynamic constructions,they can move to the next activity and return later when assistance is available.

After the activities are completed, ask students to explain their understanding, either in small groups or with the whole class.

There is great benefit in investigating the theorems using dynamic diagrams. This is further explored in the Dynamic circle geometry activity.



Name Class Section
Document Year 10A: Prove and apply angle and chord properties of circles Infobox 3