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Home > Topdrawer > Fractions > Activities > Hit the apple

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Hit the apple

Hit the apple

Using the digital learning object, students create a pair of fractions that add to one. There is a fraction bar representing each fraction and a vertical number line that monitors the progress towards the target of adding to one.

Demonstrate the learning object L2804 Fraction fiddle: hit the apple  to the class and discuss the dynamically linked components.

  • One denominator is fixed but the other denominator and both numerators can be adjusted to create the desired fractions.
  • As the fractions change, their fraction bars also change, as does their total on the vertical number line.

Demonstrate a task with these steps.

  • Make the second denominator the same as the first.
  • Make a fraction less than 1 and ask the students to suggest what the other fraction must be to complete one whole.
  • Select <Repeat> and find another pair of fractions to complete the task. Selecting <Next> will specify a different denominator to work with.

Pairs of students work together on computers, taking turns to complete an addition task. Ask students:

  • to print out the record sheet and discuss the patterns they see in the numbers
  • what strategies they would use to add fractions like these without the learning object to assist.

Students ready for a greater challenge can be encouraged to make a different denominator for the second fraction.



Name Class Section
Document Year 5: Investigate strategies to solve problems involving addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator Infobox 3
Document Source Infobox 3