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More teaching ideas


More teaching ideas for the various activities


  • Write a warning sign in Braille applicable for a person who is vision impaired; e.g., high step, steep incline, etc.

International marine signal flags

  • Sort flags according to their properties; e.g., symmetry, halves, quarters, etc.
  • What smaller shapes can you find inside the flags? What shapes make up each flag?
  • Why don’t they use colours other than red, yellow, blue, white and black?

Dancing men cipher

  • Integration – make up own version using symbols relevant to the topic/theme being studied; e.g., space.

The Overland Telegraph line

  • In the ‘olden days’, Morse code was only used in urgent situations, otherwise letters were written. Write down 3 urgent messages that could have been sent via Morse code.
  • Write a story about a camping adventure that goes wrong. Make sure the solution to the problem in the story is written in Morse code.


  • Write spelling list of the week in pigpen cipher.
  • Write a letter to a friend in code.


Rail fence cipher

  • Decipher a rail fence cipher
  • Write a list of instructions for an activity in rail fence cipher; children will need to break the code to work out how or what to do in activity.


  • Additional uses of flags; e.g., show jumping.
  • Play a simple game of Chinese whispers to show how a message has more chance of being messed up the more people you have involved. Play Chinese whispers using the flags.

Sign language

  • Read a repetitive book as a whole class. Each time one of the common words comes up, sign it instead of saying it.
  • Learn some of the more common nursery rhymes in sign language.
  • Play any floor/whole class game and instead of saying the person’s name, sign it.  “Hey _____.  Can you hear my name?” etc.

More investigation ideas

  • Look at systems for identifying animals on farms/stations; e.g., pig breeding uses an ear marking system where triangles are cut into pigs ears for particular numbers.
  • Investigate tattoo symbols on dogs ears, or symbols/brands on horses.

