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Every radio telescope has the same shape dish. This shape is called a paraboloid, a three dimensional shape formed by rotating a parabola around its axis of symmetry.

Every radio telescope has the same shape dish. This shape is called a paraboloid, a three dimensional shape formed by rotating a parabola around its axis of symmetry. We have collected some different ways of constructing parabolas:

...and of course teachers may want to highlight that graphs of quadratic functions are parabolas, too!



Name Class Section
Document Drawing a parabola (doc) File 1
Document Drawing a parabola (pdf) File 1
Document Paper folding a parabola (doc) File 1
Document Paper folding a parabola (pdf) File 1
Document Curves from straight lines (doc) File 1
Document Curves from straight lines (pdf) File 1
Document Making a parabola with spaghetti (doc) File 1
Document Making a parabola with spaghetti (pdf) File 1