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Pulsar Catalogue

Pulsar Catalogue

Pulsar Catalogue

The Pulsar Catalogue is an excel spread-sheet which contains data for 1,687 pulsars. The data is from the ANTF pulsar catalogue found at  http://www.atnf.csiro.au/research/pulsar/psrcat/.  This data includes the J names of the pulsars, periods (P) in seconds, period derivatives () in seconds and dispersion measures (DM) in pc cm-3. You will produce graphs, calculate the ages of pulsars, sort data using features of the excel spread-sheet in order to determine which pulsars are millisecond pulsars(MSP) or normal pulsars and determine the proximity of pulsars to the Earth using the dispersion measures (DM).

Pulsar catalogue.xlsx (185.65 kB)


Pulsar Catalogue

Stephen Broderick

