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Significant episodes

Significant episodes

A Significant Episode is an event, or a small series of linked events, that has impacted on educators professionally and has helped develop or change the way they teach and think about teaching.

A Significant Episode is an event, or a small series of linked events, that has impacted on educators professionally and has helped develop or change the way they teach and think about teaching.

It may have occured within their classroom, within their professional learning community, or peer-to-peer. They are a rich form of data. Many of the Make It Count Cluster Findings have derived from these Significant Episodes.

What does a significant episode look like?

There is a simple structure:

1.  There is an issue/problem/question?

2.  Something significant happens

3.  Reflection - why did I do this? Why do I do next? What is the message in this?


Click to download information about Significant Episodes and how to use them to inform your practice.

Click to go to all Significant Episodes from the eight Clusters.

