The AAMT, in conjunction with staff from the University of New England, conducted a project entitled Maths: Why Not? Unpacking reasons for students' decisions concerning higher-level mathematics in the senior years. The Final Report was released by the Deputy Prime Minister in April 2008; the Executive Summary and a discussion of key recommendations and their implications for the AAMT are also available.
The AAMT, in conjunction with staff from the University of New England, conducted a project entitled Maths: Why Not? Unpacking reasons for students' decisions concerning higher-level mathematics in the senior years.
The drop-off in numbers of students in these sorts of courses has been identified as an issue of concern, especially in the context of increased mathematical demands in many areas of human endeavour. This project shed some light on why this may be happening and made suggestions about ways to improve student numbers in these courses. The project was supported by funding from the then Australian Government through the Quality Outcomes Programme of the Department of Education, Science and Technology (DEST) (since replaced by the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relationships, or DEEWR)
The fianl report, containing 16 detailed recommendations for actions to address the issues at a variety of levels, was released on 8 April 2008 by the Hon Julia Gillard, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Education, Employment and Workplace Relations.
The Executive Summary and list of Recommendations is available, as is a discussion of the recommendations and possible responses by the AAMT.