You Can Do Maths: Write and produce for television.
A competition for students
As part of the You Can Do Maths campaign, the AAMT conducted a competition for students during 2009. They were asked to write an outline for the script for the third and fourth advertisements in the series. Students needed to identify some occupation(s) and research the sort of mathematics involved, then write an outline of the script for a You Can Do Maths advertisement that featured their occupation(s).
Winners saw their script used as the basis of a professional production - their work is on TV! Some lucky winners were taken to Melbourne to be present at the filming of their segment(s); and schools received some mathematics resources -- thanks to Kinetic Education and AAMT.
Congratulations to the prize-winning students and schools:
Monica Mazzachi, Mackenzie Fry, Liza Totani, Sophie White and Christina Nijhawan (Loreto College, Marryatville SA)
Dan Le (St Stephen's School, Tapping WA)
Lachie Walker, Jake Chaseling, Jarred Prowd and Michael Howell (South Gippsland Secondary College, Foster VIC)
Krshna Capaque (Parap Primary School, Parap NT)
And the outstanding winners:
Lara Gallagher, Emily Bills, Sarah Deck, Kiona Nicholl (Tara Anglican School for Girls, North Parramatta NSW)
Jacklyn Wong (St Stephen's School, Tapping WA)