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How do I engage other teachers in the community?

How do I engage other teachers in the community?

There are two ways to engage in the community activities primarily through involvement in the Forum and participating in professional learning events.


Step 1

 Login in to the Engaging All Students community website. This will allow you to access the Forum.

Step 2

 Click on the Forum button on the menu and select Discussion

Step 3

 You will see community topics of discussion already created on the left and the author of the topic on the right.
          You can click on the hyperlink under the topic you wish to read the threads (responses) to the topic.

Step 4

 If you wish to respond to the thread you can click on the New Reply link.

Step 5

The Forum Reply tool is to be revised soon.
Currently there are basic text formatting with the selection of font size, bold, italic and underline, create a weblink and insert an image.
An emoticon can be inserted into the response by clicking on the one of choice seen on the right hand side.
To create a weblink click on the URL button, insert web address and press URL button again.
To insert an image click on the Img button, insert a web address of the image to be placed and click on the Img button to again.
At this stage the image you wish to use must reside on a website as there is no browse node to upload an image from your computer.

Step 6

Click Send for publishing when you have finished. As the author of the reply you can go back and edit the message.
You can now view your response with your name hyperlinked.




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Document Webinars Folder 25