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Exploring quadrilaterals

Exploring quadrilaterals

The properties of quadrilaterals are more easily recognised and understood when students have the opportunity to investigate by observing, measuring and folding.

There are six special quadrilaterals identified in the Australian Curriculum:

  • squares
  • rectangles
  • parallelograms
  • rhombuses
  • trapeziums
  • kites.

Give students opportunities to see the properties in a variety of situations by providing activities that:

  • engage students in using appropriate symbols, language and terminology
  • include accurate pen-and-paper construction and measurement
  • use dynamic geometry diagrams which students can manipulate
  • use physical models such as geoboards
  • include solving problems involving angle measurements
  • show the inclusive way in which quadrilaterals are named.



Name Class Section
Document Properties of quadrilaterals Folder 17
Document Year 7: Classify triangles according to their side and angle properties and describe quadrilaterals Infobox 3
Document Year 8: Establish properties of quadrilaterals using congruent triangles and angle properties, and solve related numerical problems using reasoning Infobox 3